McLuhan as Wall-E?!!

While I’m sure most of us out there have our opinions about Disney and how they are laden with ideologies of patriarchy and Euro-centrism, did Disney (and Pixar) get it right with Wall-E?

Yikes, are we doomed?!

After thinking about my last post with Marshall McLuhan I couldn’t help but be slightly scared about what the future holds. Or possibly what might be lurking around the corners of our future. McLuhan speaks of technology becoming one with humans, numbing us into a suspended state of being. Once again, I call myself out on not being the most literate of philosophy, but here I make my attempt (I hope some kind soul who reads this might help me out in correcting and further educating me if I’m off). Is Wall-E a take of McLuhan like some existential and absurdist allegory of what’s to come? Should I start buying stocks in moving lazy-boy type chairs that connect me to the rest of the world via information communication technology?

As I make my connections with McLuhan and Wall-E, I can’t help but have a certain commercial play in a repeated loop in my head…


Something slightly alarmed me the first time I saw this commercial. Perhaps it’s the omniscient narrator, perhaps it’s the metaphoric parallels of McLuhan and Wall-E when the girl decides to walk into the TV…like she is accepting her fate of technology as her extension.

Computer, I know you are chanting “one of us, one of us…” as I type this. As you try to initiate me into your world, am I missing something? Why does a large part of the world seem happy and content with this and not be alarmed?

Sam 2, Computer 3

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